How do I reconfigure NTLMv1 on my computer ?
f you are running Windows, then this is the page for you. If you are running some other OS, then you’ll need to review NTLMv1 Removal – Known Problems and Workarounds instead. You will need admin privileges on your computer to make some of these configuration changes. If you don’t have those privileges, then ask your IT support to make this change. You can send them a link to this page. If your computer is part of a Windows domain, you may need your IT support to make this change–they may have implemented something that overrides any change you make. There are two types of changes your computer may need: one affects your Windows operating system and the other affects your browser(s). There are separate sections for each of these changes. Let’s fix up your operating system There are multiple ways to make this configuration change. We’ve listed all the ways below. You only need to pick one. We’ve ordered the easiest ways first, and labeled those methods appropriate for IT support...