How to Hide a Security Camera in Plain Sight

Security cameras are used by homeowners to monitor children, look out for intruders and generally keep a watch over a home. Many homeowners seek ways to hide these cameras, but fail miserably. By using a tissue box and a little ingenuity, you can hide a camera that is placed out in the open and no one will be the wiser.

Step 1
Remove all the tissues from the tissue box through the top and using a utility knife place a small pinhole in the side of the box.

Step 2
Place the security camera into the box, making sure that its lens is pointed out the hole in the side.

Step 3
Place the tissues back into the box, hiding the camera.

Step 4
Attach the video output of the wireless receiver to the video input of the monitor using the composite video cable.

Step 5
Turn on all devices, including the camera by sticking your hand down into the tissue box and flipping the switch.

Step 6
Synchronize the frequency of the camera to that of the wireless receiver by tuning the receiver until

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the image captured from the camera appears on the monitor.


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  2. These days people who are in business and police departments etc., have to take care of threat concerns.To keep a track or eye on these things, Pakistani Party wear in market some of the best wireless cameras came into market, these cameras will help us to save from threat concerns.Hope these cameras will works good for the people in business and police departments etc.

  3. Security cameras are useful in improving the safety of residential and business buildings. Home security camera systems, Budget Website
    have gained phenomenal popularity over the years. With spectacularly enhanced digital imagery and moderate working costs, the use of security cameras has become quite widespread.


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